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Neighbourhood Development Plan


Ainstable Parish Council is preparing a neighbourhood plan with local planning policies which will be used to guide decisions on planning applications in the parish of Ainstable up to 2032.  A Working Group of Parish Councillors has been working on a First Draft Plan.  We would like local residents and stakeholders to give us their views on the Draft Vision, Objectives and Key Planning Themes we have identified so far, and to find out if there is anything else that residents want to see included in the Plan.

We have prepared this summary but the most up to date version of the emerging Draft Plan can be found here. Please note that this is a working draft and will be subject to changes.

Our consultation is currently closed. Thank you to all those who submitted their views.

We will then finalise the Draft Plan for formal consultation later this year.

Draft Vision

In 2032 the Parish of Ainstable remains a beautiful rural parish with a strong sense of community.  New development and conversions of existing buildings are of a high quality and sensitive design which respects local character, whilst embedding new technologies which meet sustainability and climate change objectives.  Suitable, small-scale housing has been provided to meet the needs of local residents and the parish supports a range of local employment opportunities linked to farming, tourism and rural diversification.  The special landscape character and built heritage of the Parish both within the North Pennines National Landscape and beyond have been conserved, and local biodiversity has been enhanced.

Draft Objectives

Objective 1: To provide a positive planning framework to support small scale suitable and appropriate new housing which meets the community’s local needs.

Objective 2: To protect natural and built heritage assets, and to promote opportunities for environmental enhancement.

Objective 3: To ensure new development and conversions are of a high-quality design which respects the rural context and local character. 

Objective 4: To support suitable economic development linked to rural diversification, sustainable tourism and community led renewable energy generation.

Objective 5: To protect local community facilities and support investment in improvements.

Key Planning Themes and Draft Planning Policies

  1.  Housing

The Ainstable Parish Housing Need Survey 2020/2021 will inform local housing provision.  Housing proposals should provide one or more of the following:  affordable housing, 2-3 bedroom properties,  level access housing designed for older residents such as bungalows and opportunities for self-build schemes.

  • Rural Economy and Tourism

Proposals for small scale new development and conversions of existing buildings to provide flexible business accommodation and meeting space / conference facilities appropriate to the rural area will be supported as part of rural diversification schemes.

Tourism-related development which provides improved facilities and accommodation for visitors will be supported where they are small scale and promote the quiet enjoyment of the tranquil countryside of Ainstable.

  • Environment and Design

Development proposals should conserve and enhance local landscape character by responding positively to the local context and setting. 

Development should conserve biodiversity and wildlife in Ainstable Parish and deliver a measurable biodiversity net gain through various locally appropriate measures.

Designs will have to be sensitive to the local context and built character in accordance with Design Codes which have been commissioned by the Parish Council and buildings should also incorporate sustainability and energy efficiency measures.

  • Renewable Energy

Small scale community-led renewable energy schemes for resident, agricultural and business use will be supported on suitable sites outside the North Pennines National Landscape area (AONB) where they are sensitively designed and sited.

  • Community Facilities and Local Green Spaces

Ainstable Village Hall, Croglin Village Hall and St Michael & All Angels Church, Ainstable are identified as important community facilities which should be protected.  Proposals for their enhancement will be supported.

Several Local Green Spaces are identified which are significant to local people and which should be protected. These are the extension to the churchyard at Ainstable Church, the seating area at Newbiggin village, the seating area at Ainstable village and the field next to Croglin Quarry.

Thank you for your time and interest.  We look forward to seeing you at our Drop In event on 26th March at Croglin Village Hall. 

Please complete and return this short online questionnaire.