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Parish Plan

The Parish Plan ~ 2024

Every 5 years the parish council conducts a survey of the local residents. We use the results of the survey to develop a parish plan. The parish plan is then used to guide the decisions of the parish council, and also to pass the views of the parish on to District and County Councils. We also use the parish plan to help with grant applications for local community causes.

Ainstable Parish Plan 2024

Ainstable Parish Council has agreed the following parish plan for 2024 onwards. This is based on the results of the 2020 Survey, previous Parish Plans and the old Eden Local Plan.  Ainstable Parish used to be in the area of Eden district council and is now part of the Unitary authority of Westmorland and Furness Council, W&FC.

Map supplied under PSMA Licence No 100052566.

Parish Council

The Parish Council will improve its performance by:

  • Faster communication using modern technology within the parish.  We will use an up to date Government recommend website https://AINSTABLE-PC.GOV.UK and 6 parish meetings a year to quickly give out and receive information with parishioners.
  • Ensuring effective participation in: Cumbria Association of Local Councils and National Association of Local Councils.
  • Participation on outside bodies which affect the interests of the parish.
  • Undertaking to provide relevant training for councillors and the parish clerk.
  • Set the parish precept to deliver identifiable projects and keep the parish council meeting it legal requirements.


The Parish Council will:

  • Promote and support the renovation of derelict property, the development of affordable housing, and sheltered housing within the parish.
  • Consider how we can influence the New Westmorland and Furness  Local Plan to incorporate local views of our parish.
  • Advise on the process for local planning applications.
  • Help to preserve the rural nature of the parish.
  • To ensure applications consider that local development issues are taking account. Such as Electricity supply, flooding / drainage, road access / safety, sewage processing and local knowledge of issues
  • Be proactive in pursuing non-compliance with planning issues with the relevant authorities.


The Parish Council will maintain good communication with the parish and outside bodies including:

  • Agendas for meetings to be placed on the website and a parish noticeboard 3 business days before the meeting.
  • Minutes for meetings to be placed on the website within 14 days of approval at the next meeting.
  • Continued development of the parish website to promote the parish and improve communication with parishioners.

Police and Fire.

The Parish Council will develop a maintain good communication with Cumbria Police and Fire commissioners office to:

  • Take up issues of alleged speeding with police.
  • Promote a higher visibility of police in the parish.
  • Promote better reporting by parishioners, direct them to news about crime and suspicious activity warning mechanisms for the parish area.

Local Facilities

The Parish Council will:

  • Develop an all access area for walkers, river users on the banks of the Eden at Armathwaite bridge. Reduce the parking on Armathwaite bridge to safeguard people when using that area. Allow Emergency services and others clear access to the parish. Remove weight from the bridge to help protect its structure.
  • Provide defibrillators in 5 areas of population in the parish.   Maintain them and replace them as required.
  • Provide community shelters in larger population areas in the parish.  We are working to ensure that notice boards are located in them.  We plan to standardise provision of these.
  • Provide environmentally friendly / minimal maintenance / long life benches in suitable locations around the parish.
  • Work with neighbouring parishes wherever possible to identify areas of common need.
  • Promote and support leisure activities / community events within the parish.
  • Help the church / village hall committees, by working with them to maintain their buildings and increase local use.  To reduce the need to travel outside the parish where possible.

Ainstable Millennium Green

The Parish Council will:

  • Manage the Ainstable Millennium Green as the only trustee now.
  • Use the front area as a children’s playground and family area.
  • Use the rear area for a biodiverse wild flower meadow with walks and feature trees.
  • Continue to maintain, develop and publicise the Ainstable Millennium Green for community use.


The Parish Council will:

  • Work with Westmorland and Furness Council and local land owners to improve the roads, parking and footpaths in the parish.
  • Support small scale local electricity generation, but will oppose large scale wind farm developments.
  • Encourage all new developments to have Solar Photovoltaic Panels on their roofs.
  • Encourage Biodiversity in the parish area.
  • Work to develop a responsible approach to the problems of litter and dog fouling in the villages.
  • Help protect the SSSI Area on the banks of the Eden river and the Area of Outstanding Natural beauty AONB around Croglin Newbiggin.

Young People

The Parish Council will promote opportunities for all young people in the parish by:

  • Protecting and maintaining the funds available through the use of Croglin School Land by the Croglin Educational Foundation for the young people of Croglin and Newbiggin.
  • Consulting with young people to explore their ideas and views of the parish, and their aspirations.
  • Supporting the provision of facilities and clubs to suit all ages within the parish.
  • Working towards improving the existing children’s play area on the Millennium Green in Ainstable.
  • Working with young people to develop facilities and play areas throughout the parish.

The Elderly

The Parish Council will promote opportunities and facilities for elderly people in the parish by:

  • Promoting and supporting parish events for the elderly.
  • Supporting developments to local facilities to improve access for all people.
  • Supporting the development of suitable housing.